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SINCE 2022

The Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) is an intergovernmental agreement for the East Asia & Pacific region, under the auspices of the IAEA, in which the Government Parties undertake, in cooperation with each other and with the IAEA to promote and coordinate cooperative research, development (R&D) and training projects in nuclear science and technology through their appropriate national institutions.

1972 Establishment of the RCA
1973 Launch of the first regional cooperative project
1979 Implementation of the UNDP/IAEA/RCA Industrial Project
1997 Adoption of the Guidelines and Operating Rules
2002 Establishment of the RCA Regional Office, in Daejeon, Korea
2006 Formulation of the RCA Medium-Term Strategy
2013 Formation of Programme Advisory Committee
2022 50th Anniversary of the RCA,
20th Anniversary of the RCARO


We are ready to further expand actions.

The world is now facing devastating impacts of the global pandemic and climate change. Drawing on a strong basis of ownership and regional solidarity, the RCA will continue to explore strategic and innovative ways to use nuclear technologies to address regional and global challenges, outreaching further to the region and widening the coverage of RCA Programme. RCA will commit to building a resilient and inclusive region, and to promoting and supporting the sustainable development of the world.